We are organizing to realize the promise of democracy for all Washingtonians.


The People Powered Elections Washington coalition is a statewide, multi-racial, multi-generational coalition committed to building more equitable and transparent campaign financing policies so that our government is responsive, representative, and reflective of all of us.

Are you interested in joining our coalition?

Our Priorities

No matter what neighborhood you live in, the color of your skin, or how much money you make, we deserve a state government that works for all of us. But right now, our elected leaders spend more time listening to wealthy donors and powerful special interests than their constituents.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Our coalition is working together to strengthen the voices of everyday Washingtonians in our elections and limit the influence of the wealthy and political elite.

Our priorities include:

  • Increasing transparency of money in state politics.

  • Closing the “revolving door” of top officials becoming lobbyists.

  • Amplifying the voices of Washingtonians by expanding small donor financing of our elections.

  • Protecting the integrity of our elections from partisan attacks.

“The People Powered Elections coalition is bringing about necessary change in Washington.”

Support our work by directly donating to the organizations in our coalition.

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